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Do I have to be a club member to participate in lessons?

Not sure if you want to join just yet? We offer the first 3 lessons free of charge! After attending your third lesson, a membership fee will be required to become an official member of the dance club!

How do I get involved?

We offer beginner lessons on Wednesdays 8:30 pm to 10:15 pm a Carmichael Gym Studio 1206. If you do not have a pair of dance shoes, bring a pair of socks to dance in. You can also reach out to us via email and join our email list!

If I am a club member will I be required to compete?

If you are a member of the dance club you are not required to perform at a competition. Many of our members chose to compete and many use this opportunity to improve in dance. It's a great learning experience and lots of fun! If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask!

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